2023 is here and at Race For What we want to focus on what can come from showing more love this year and from now onward. One thing that the Covid 19 disruption did is it allowed us to see problems that exist in how our world is structured. Mental health has become a greater topic for discussion. The goal and mission of the “healthcare” industry has made us question how much they care about our health. We are picking sides that seem more divided and extreme. The super-rich got richer in monetary wealth and it is apparent that we are questioning their mental state as well. The price of living safe and comfortable became too much to afford for those who work a job and many people stopped wanting to work those jobs and not be able to live.
As we look into how to improve the quality of life, we dig deeper into these issues and more. Our focus is on how the system approaches life and those living. It is a death-based culture. It is a controlling culture. It is about winning and that includes positioning ourselves and deceiving others to feel like we are ahead. In so many of the systems and functions of our society there is a lack of love. We define showing love as sharing, supporting, and serving one another in ways that are best for each other.
In so much of our culture this lack of love has led to a lot of pain and reacting to that pain. This is why we must begin to dissect where love is missing from our social structures and find ways to make love the focus of our interactions. We can give in or give up and it won’t get better. Or we can begin to create and put forth effort to heal and improve the quality of life. We at Race for What think showing love is a much more enjoyable and better option and we want you to join us. Our Show Love Campaign is the focus of this calendar year.
Along with the campaign, we will begin launching our program that is based on the seven steps of our book Race for What? A White Man’s Journey and Guide to Healing Racism from Within. The audiobook with a soundtrack of positive uplifting music is also coming soon.
Please join us in uncovering where love is void. We hope you will continue to show love for and with each other.
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