When you look at the news, there is usually an allotted time set aside for the feel good story. Someone helping others, or someone who overcame unusually difficult circumstances to achieve greatness. That story most of the time is at the end of the news (advertised throughout the show as coming up…) and takes up about 25% or less of the program. The rest of the news is to tell you what is wrong with the world we live in.
Why is that? We like the feel good story. We want to be inspired. But we have been conditioned that news shows are helping us by teaching us what to watch out for. The scary stuff that goes on. We then choose our channels to get our news because they give us the single perspective that matches ours. This contributes to a fearful, angry society that does not want to interact with one another through the good and the bad and find solutions to build on. But we all know that things are “getting worse” in many aspects.
Mental and physical health is a concern. Violence is a concern. Thievery, ignorance, drug abuse, corporate greed, etc. There is a need for healing. In our culture we respond to what’s wrong with ‘blame’. Blaming makes us feel good about ourselves. We blame our family, our neighbors, the powers to be, our teachers, the police, and more. As long as we have someone to blame, we think that mental health will come from how we respond to the problems that are built into how we function as a people.
How are we fed information? Our schooling doesn’t teach us to be creative, and that we can learn multiple points of view. We learn only about European Culture. The news we choose comes from one perspective. Social media and internet sites use algorithms to send us the same type of info from a single perspective. The results are that we do not know that life is much more than what we know.
Our challenge is to figure out how to change our approach. We are starting with a lack of understanding and appreciation for all that life has given us. We are disconnected emotionally, physically, and spiritually. The culture created from this disconnected mind is harmful and death based. For those of us who want to believe that consumerism, deceptive practices and attempts of dominance of colonialism is what makes us great… It is keeping us from a healthy comfortable, life. Therefore, we need to let go of this idea of superiority. This idea of our exceptionalism, or simply us being better than, as we currently operate, keeps us from opening up to learning.
We do not have the answers. This is difficult to believe. The healing will begin when we humble ourselves to seek ways unknown to us. Reconnection is the goal. We can begin by opening our senses to the life that exists around us. i.e., the trees, dirt, grass or weeds, flowers, leaves, etc. Grab a piece of earth and touch the essence of life. It helps our energy. This is a scientific, spiritual, and emotional fact.
It is time for us to relearn how the life cycles of energy work. It is time for us to relearn how we are connected to the planet, our Creator, and each other. Let’s value how we can improve the quality of life for those we come in contact with and ourselves. If we can approach our interactions with quality of life in mind, we will begin to change the energy of how we govern ourselves, our families, our communities, and our individual self. When we have injuries, our body shows us that it can heal. The Earth has the same capabilities and so do we as human beings. Approach with love for all of life and let us make feel good stories a part of our everyday journey.
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